The notification script for Weechat notifies of a number of events through desktop notifications and an optional status icon. It can be configured to notify of private messages, highlighted messages, and DCC requests and to only notify of messages which are actually displayed within Weechat. The script supports several different user interface toolkits to display the notifications and the status icon, including GTK 2, GTK 3, Qt 4, and KDE 4.

The latest version of the Weechat notification script is available from its source code repository. The script itself can also be downloaded directly.
Source Code Repository
The current development version is available from the source code repository.
The notification script is written in Python 2 and requires Weechat 1.0 or later with support for Python scripts. Each of the different user interfaces has its own set of dependencies.
The user interface based on the GTK 2 toolkit requires PyGTK and notify-python.
The user interface based on the GTK 3 toolkit requires GObject Introspection bindings for glib, GDK-PixBuf, GTK 3, and libnotify.
The user interface based on the Qt 4 toolkit requires PyQt4.
The user interface based on the KDE 4 libraries PyQt4 and PyKDE 4.
The notification script can be configured through the following Weechat settings:
- plugins.var.python.notification.status_icon
- The path or name of the status icon, if empty, does not display a status icon. The default value is weechat.
- plugins.var.python.notification.notification_icon
- The path or name of the icon shown in notifications. The default value is weechat.
- plugins.var.python.notification.preferred_toolkit
- The preferred user interface toolkit, if empty it will be selected automatically based on the running desktop environment and the installed toolkits. Valid values are gtk2, gtk3, gt4, and kde4. The default value is empty.
- plugins.var.python.notification.notify_on_displayed_only
- Indicates whether to only notify of messages that are actually displayed by Weechat. The default value is on.
- plugins.var.python.notification.notify_on_privmsg
- Indicates wheter to notify when receiving a private message. The default value is on.
- plugins.var.python.notification.notify_on_highlight
- Indicates whether to notify when a messages is highlighted. The default value is on.
- plugins.var.python.notification.notify_on_dcc_request
- Indicates whether to notify on DCC requests. The default value is on.
Please send any feedback, translations or bug reports via email to
Bug Reports
When sending bug reports, please always mention the exact version of the script with which the issue occurs as well as the version of Weechat and the operating system you are using and make sure that you provide sufficient information to reproduce the issue and include any input, output, any error messages and Python stack traces.
Except otherwise noted, all files are Copyright (C) 2014 Guido Berhoerster and distributed under the following license terms:
Copyright (C) 2014 Guido Berhoerster
Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see